illustration of athlete's silhouettes in mid motion
Cottage Phys Ed Team

Meet our Physical Education teachers! Ms. Petrosky, Mr. Monahan, & Mrs. Eckford work hard to create a learning environment that is welcoming to students of all ability levels. Through a variety of games and activities, students develop and refine motor skills, create personalized fitness goals, and gain an appreciation for the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship. These lessons are critical to the development of every child and will provide them with the skills and knowledge to lead long, active, and healthy lives!

image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's student doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
image of Cottage School's students doing P.E.
Go Gougars logo
image of Mr. Denneno and Mr. Monahan
illustration of Cottage Street School's values